
Level the bed

Also called 'tramming'.

  1. Remove any tools from the yoke

  2. Attach glass build plate with blue tape. Keep the screws in reach.
  3. Home the X & Y axes
  4. Go to the park location
  5. Check the probe-battery . The screen should light up when the probe is pushed in.
  6. Attach the probe. (move the table down if it doesn't fit).
  7. Move the table up. (click Enable Z Calibration first). When the probe touches the build plate, the screen lights up. Zero the indicator.
  8. Unlock build plate. (Using the 4 hex bolts on the side of the heated bed).
  9. Unlock motors. (In Repetrel, go to Functions > Unlock motors).
  10. Calibrate the bed. Position the probe in all corners, and adjust the Philips screw. Repeat this until the reading is within ±0.01mm.
  11. Lock build plate. (Using the 4 hex bolts on the side of the heated bed).
  12. Remove probe

The bed is now level. This just means it's parallel to the gantry. Because all tools have a different stick-out, the Z-zero must be set for all tools individually.

  • hyrel/level_the_bed.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/10/06 04:07
  • by formlab