
General Slicer info

  1. Slic3r profile files are stored in C > Users > Elias Heuninck > AppData > Roaming > Slic3r > print
    1. This way they can be found & loaded by the Repetrel sofware.
  2. Hyrel standard recipe naming convention:
    0.5w, 0.2z, 30f, 35pct.ini =
    nozzle width, layer thickness, travel speed, infill percentage.
  1. Generally it's sufficient to customise only the print settings profile, as the printer- and extruder profiles are already set up for all possible configurations.
  1. Layers and perimeters
    1. sets Layer height
  2. Vertical shells
    1. sets wall count
    2. option for spiral mode
  3. Horizontal shells
    1. sets floor and ceiling count
    2. set both zero for open vase
  4. Infill
    1. in percentages
    2. set zero for hollow structure
  5. Skirt & Brim
    1. useful for nozzle priming and perhaps bed adhesion
  6. Support material
    1. Will be zero in almost all cases
  7. Speed
    1. Use same speed for all moves (print and non-print moves)
    2. 8mm/s is a nice and conservative speed.
  8. Multiple extruders
    1. set to 1
  9. Advanced
    1. Extrusion Width: set to nozzle diameter + 10%. For a nozzle of 1.5mm, adding 0.15 results in an extrusion width of 1.65mm. (calculate 10 %: x * 0.1 = 0.x)
      1. All the extrusion values should be the same
    2. Overlap: set to 15%
  10. Notes: Write date, name, project and reason for the profile. Be clear and thorough.

Filament settings

  1. Filament
    1. Diameter: set to 17mm. This is the inner diameter of the cylinder.
    2. Extrusion multiplier: set to 1.
    3. Temperature: set all to 0 for Plasticine.
  2. Cooling: settings not relevant for EMO-25 toolhead.

Printer settings

  1. General
    1. Size & coordinates
      1. don't change
    2. Capabilities
      1. Extruders: 4
  2. Custom Gcode: leave as default
  3. Extruder x
    1. Size
      1. Nozzle Diameter: if I understand correctly, this value is ignored.
  4. Other settings: leave at zero or at default.
  • hyrel/general_slicer_info.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/10/06 04:26
  • by formlab