====== Blender workflow for color printing ====== ===== Create object in Blender: ===== * Do your generic 3D print prep work * UV-Unwrap the object. * It's best to use a manual unwrapping method (mark edges) as the smart UV unwrap leaves visible marks on the texture. (Although this might be solved when increasing the gap between islands) * Make sure to have large gaps between islands (can a safe minimum be calculated?) * Problem with visible seams in 3DPrint: is it because it's texture downsampling option? * Open the texture and lay out the UV (or use Cycles to bake the 3D view to the texture) * A texture of 2048x2048px should work fine for medium sized objects. Alpha enabled, 32 bit float unchecked. * Save as a PNG file, so it's external to the project. * connect your texture to the **Principaled BSDF shader**, and the shader to the material surface output. This might look bad, but otherwise the texture is not linked in the exported .mtl file. * https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/149081/mtl-file-after-exporting-comes-without-texture-map-map-kd * Export as OBJ & set Path type: copy (blender copies texture file to destination folder) ===== Open object in 3D Sprint: ===== * Open the OBJ file (the texture file will be automatically loaded) * Optionally make hollow, put in holes and perform pre-print checks * Export 3D model as VRML (.wrl) file. (The texture file will be exported as well) ===== Then open object in 3DPrint: ===== * Open the exported .wrl file and check if the texture is present. * Place on the build platform (the back end is more stable) * Click 'Tools > Build Time Estimator' (button) to get info for the part cost excel file. * Start printing Notes * The textures in 3DSprint might appear extremely low resolution. The VRML file however is exported in full resolution. * This is a render setting (purely visual). Go to settings to change to high quality texture rendering. * Blender: speckles on bake are caused by overlapping mesh geometry. Remesh and they should go away. * 3DPrint: visible seams: avoid using a large texture file. Keep it 2x2K. Allow more space between islands. * experiment with alpha or non-alpha